Can You Endure Live/Scheduled Television?
Not sure how they do it in grade school nowadays, but when your test, writing assignment or homework received a good grade, the teacher would give you a gold star. Well, nowadays, you should receive a gold star if you can endure 30 minutes or more of live/scheduled television.
Although one could label this as a first world problem ... or even second world problem ... is there such thing as a second world problem? We never hear that expression. We seem to just jump down two worlds ... LIVE/SCHEDULED TV IS UNBEARABLE ... and don't pass it off as only "typical impatient society" and those darn commercials taking up time for time's sake.
Sure, the actual time and visual screen space incorporated by commercials, between the content of your sitcom, drama, reality show, movie, awards show, or sporting event, forces you to answer a text, juggle dog toys or actually speak to your significant other, this is true. But let's not leave out the substance of the commercials that makes you repeatedly knock heads with your rottweiler. GROUP ONE: Car commercial, cell phone commercial, beer commercial, same car commercial, same cell phone commercial, same beer commercial. GROUP TWO: Politician commercial, fake political stance commercial, fake cultural stance commercial, politician commercial, fake political stance commercial, fake cultural stance commercial. GROUP THREE: Retail commercial virtue signaling, another retail commercial virtue signaling, and another retail commercial virtue signaling, retail commercial virtue signaling, another retail commercial virtue signaling, and another retail commercial virtue signaling. MIXED UP IN A TASTY ADVERTISING SOUFFLEE: Car commercial, politician commercial, retail commercial virtue signaling, cell phone commercial, fake political stance commercial, another retail commercial virtue signaling, beer commercial, fake cultural stance commercial, and another retail commercial virtue signaling, same car commercial, politician commercial, retail commercial virtue signaling, same cell phone commercial, fake political stance commercial, another retail commercial virtue signaling, same beer commercial, fake cultural stance commercial, and another retail commercial virtue signaling, same car commercial, politician commercial, retail commercial virtue signaling, same cell phone commercial, fake political stance commercial, another retail commercial virtue signaling, same beer commercial, fake cultural stance commercial, and another retail commercial virtue signaling. It's wonderful being repeatedly and deceptively lectured on right and wrong, left and right, up and down, all while being mentally gored by the psychotic marketing repetition in between my attempted enjoyment.
Ok, so how about sports? Let's give that a whack. I'll battle my way through all those spectacular commercials already mentioned, and even watch some of the pre-game shows. Not so fast on those pre-game shows, sonny. Our hosts (and present players, of course) are gonna beat you over the head with their own virtue signaling and professional wrestling-style pandering. BLACK LIVES MATTER! I said black lives matter, they are getting slaughtered in the streets by the white man and cops every minute of the day. I say black lives matter or you're obviously a racist and probably a white supremacist! Hear me roar, 200 mph in your face! This is how I get paid. GAY PRIDE! Gays don't have enough rights. I said gay pride or your homophobic! Hear me roar, 200 mph in your face!!!! This is how I get paid. LGBTQWYYZNOWIKNOWMYABCS! I said LGBTQWYYZNOWIKNOWMYABCS deserve your attention, all the time, under all circumstances. I said LGBTQWYYZNOWIKNOWMYABCS should be able to do whatever they want whenever they want or you're transphobic + multiple other phobics. Hear me roar, 200 mph in your face!!! This is how I get paid. GUNS GUN GUNS-GUN CONTROL! Down with the second amendment, and the United States will be cured! If you believe people have the right to own GUNS GUNS GUNS and are anti-GUN-CONTROL, you want all people to die, all the time. Hear me roar, 200 mph in your face!!! ABORTION! Women have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies. If you are anti-ABORTION or "pro-choice", you hate all women and all women's rights! CLIMATE CHANGE! The world is near oblivion, so live on electric or in the woods, try to not do anything or go anywhere. If you don't believe CLIMATE CHANGE is the #1 problem on earth, you are a climate denier, and definitely want all people to die. Hear me roar, 200 mph in your face!!! This is how I get paid. RACISM! Obviously, everybody is racist until we the hosts anoint you otherwise. If you don't believe the world is 99% RACISM, well, you're a racist, do the math... and most likely a climate denier, homophobe, transphobe, (add extra phobes and ists). Can you prove otherwise? Hear me roar, 200 mph in your face!!! This is how I get paid.
Nope, because that is how they get paid.
NOTE: Replace "sports" with "awards shows" and you arrive at the same outcome. Awards shows are so vomit inducing that I won't enter that territory.
We already have to comfortably navigate the choice of our appointment television, being that the plots or directionals parade their own virtue and pander at us on a pretty consistent basis. Yet, we can elect to live with it on a case-by-case basis. But the additional time frames that fill up the spaces pre-and-during your tv selection you wish could just be methodcially "Whack-A-Moled" to oblivion! Reference for the JUSSST old enough.
People go to sporting events, concerts, broadway shows, movie theaters, restaurants, nightclubs AND watch television to escape, relax or get excited about something they enjoy. They can select the landing spot. They can't pick and choose the bullshit that envelops their chosen experience behind the screen... other than record it. Well, run it over. Cancel the shitty noise.